Bring NSLDC to Your Campus

These aspects include, but are not limited to:

  • Content knowledge regarding issues of discrimination and privilege, as well as the applicable terminology.
  • Critical intrapersonal and interpersonal skills (e.g. self-awareness, communication skills, problem-solving skills and empathy) for working effectively with diverse individuals and groups
  • Participation in experiential activities that enhance self-knowledge, team-building and diversity awareness.
  • Understanding the importance of race and culture in the United States.
  • Learning and enhancing skills related to program development, facilitation and ongoing management.

These experiential workshop(s) will provide participants with the necessary awareness, content knowledge, and skills to foster development and mutual respect when exploring issues of diversity. Participants will engage in activities and discussions that enhance their own understanding of identity and diversity and, in turn, help them work more effectively with a diverse student population. Our diversity training culminates in the development of a relevant action project focusing on the specific diversity needs of your college/university.

Sample Workshop Topics:

  • Diversity and Inclusion 101
  • Creating Effective Diversity Programs on Campus
  • Race and Racism on College Campuses
  • Bridging the Gender Divide
  • Creating Understanding & Empathy for LGBTQ Students
  • Understanding Privilege in All Forms
  • Women Empowerment
  • Preventing Bullying, Cyberbullying and Hazing on Your Campus

To Schedule an NSLDC workshop on your campus please click here.