Learning Outcomes


Raise Awareness

  • Awareness of and ability to explore aspects of own identity, culture, etc.
  • Self-awareness about their own biases, fears, and comfort levels.
  • Awareness of the “diverse” dimensions of diversity, including ability, age, ethnicity,  gender identity, geographic origin, national origin, race,  religion /spiritual traditions,  sexual orientation, and socioeconomic class.
  • Awareness of inequity of privileges.
  • Appreciation of the ways in which they are different from each other and similar to each other.
  • Empathy and concern about the impact of social injustice.

Increase Knowledge

  • Understanding that a true leader values and empowers all the members of the group.
  • Understanding the levels of prejudice and how earlier levels pave the way for even more damaging levels.
  • Learning more about the history of diversity in America.
  • Learning more about global diversity issues –e.g. genocides that have occurred within their lifetimes and are still occurring, as well as in the past.
  • Increasing knowledge base about each of the dimensions of diversity.
  • Understanding of the essential vocabulary related to diversity.

Develop Skills

  • Communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally
  • Develop the skills of inclusive leadership, valuing and involving all members of the group for their unique contributions
  • Invite others to open up and share their stories through an attitude of respectful interest and curiosity, using open-ended questions
  • Respond to statements or acts of bias in a way that invites dialogue rather than debate or arguments
  • Stand up and speak out for their own rights and for the rights of others

Plan for Social Action

  • Take a leadership role in service projects and other programs that serve the cause of social justice
  • Increase their interactions with people different from themselves
  • Work effectively with diverse groups
  • Actively try to impact those who are within their spheres of influence regarding issues of bias, discrimination, and social justice
  • Make a positive difference on their campuses and in their communities